
Medium-sized-metropolis girl, living in a southern North American world. Living and learning to cope with the past, present and hopefully the future we can all share.


  1. Your writing oozes with your personality. Very fun. If you don’t like reading about your life, sometimes it helps to write this section in third-person. Just a thought.


  2. I love your style of writing! This section is not just a generic list of hobbies and interests. I feel like I really learn something about YOU and you leave a bit of mystery making me want to read more. Fantastic!


  3. For what it’s worth….reading what we’ve written at times when we feel demoralized colors everything with negativity…we are so hard on ourselves when everything feels messed up and going in a lousy direction…you don’t come across as defective, you come across as human and as trying to find a way to take the edge off the sharp edges that life can have at times…keep writing…your self-conciousness will pass…you are being brave by writing…that is a triumph, and, as you can see by the comments, people are relating to, and appreciating what you have to share… 🙂


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