
December 1st, 2015

Today I saw the world from the perspective of two cats. I laid on the floor and tried to see what it was like to feel small-real small. Not people small.

We’re all small, maybe not in the eyes of some God or a politician, but in eachother’s.
We see others as accessories and pieces of our lives. Not really in a selfish kind of way, its just a fact. We meet certain people who are more than pieces, maybe they’re a half or a quarter.
As we develop real feelings for our halves and our quarters, they start to feel large. This largeness isn’t based off of some length of time, but quality of time spent. Are you following? Simply put, the deeper, the greater.
When our halves and quarters go, then we are made small. We are as small as two cats parading around a home in a city of 649,495 people.

The world felt mighty and I guess it always has but it’s scary to see how close I am to everything concrete and yet everything so subjective.
Today I saw the world from the perspective of two cats.



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